NX PRO - 250R
The product description
1. Motor 250cc |
2. Refrigeracion por aire |
3. Tablero Digital |
4. Sistema de alarma |
5. Año 2025 |
6. Luces led |
7. Frenos delantero disco |
8. Encendido electrónico |
9. Llanta trasera 18 |
10.Llanta delantero 21 |
11.Telescopios invertidos |
12.Caja 5 velocidades |
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RX PRO - 250R

Chongqing Hongli Motorcycle Manufacture Co.,ltd was establisned in December,1997. which is located in huaxi industrial zone, Banan district, Chongqing,china. It covers more than 18000.00 square meters.
Copyright◎2022 CHONGQING HONGLI MOTORCYCLE MAUFACTURE CO., LTD 渝ICP备17015208号-1 渝公网安备50011302000890号 BY : xinnet